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in order to begin from a piece with a bit more contrasts, i decided to grab an image i had previously done. not for the image itself, but only for the black areas that could help me find interesting rythms for a new composition. weird process, but it is worth it. also, i never use aything else than created materials done by myself. the image has been added in overrlay.
continents-perdus-final-small.jpg  technology_17.jpg  process_02_b.jpg  prince02.jpg  morning at twinang quarters.jpg 
wilson jr [Feb 27, 2005 @ 10:08 PM]
Sparth! I've been trying to do this step like you did here, but when i put the layer on the other layer in overlay mode it don't appear like the image above! what is happening!!!????
anonymous [Sep 29, 2005 @ 10:58 PM]
I actually think this stage is most interesting, Is it my imagination or did you think of making a scene portraying some building in a river with bridges (dams?), cranes and city in background? I stopped at this stage and thought I'd be happy to see this particular scene brought to life.