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final image. completed in three days, a bunch of hours have been dedicated to the details. it was a very exiting work.
alien invasion - s.jpg  character_02.jpg  process_02_s.jpg  technology_59_cannonflux.jpg  vers-extract-small.jpg 
Bob [Feb 28, 2005 @ 11:17 PM]
Your method is very strange; it wouldn't work for me (although I am a long-time commercial illusator), but I love your results. Thank you very much for sharing these images.
Henri [Feb 17, 2006 @ 03:46 AM]
Thank you so much for sharing your work and all the steps involved- it makes the paintings so much more fascinating. I love your style and I envy your skill! Thanks again
jason [Mar 02, 2006 @ 12:03 AM]
I view your site frequently. where do you find inspiration for the color choices. also, do you recomend a wacom tablet for illustrating